New support items ranging from oil pots to barricades, supply crates, and archer’s stakes add even more tactical options to the battlefield. Four base classes expand to 10+ subclasses and over 30 unique weapons, each with multiple visual variants.Rise to glory and expand your arsenal with a new subclass system that provides more variety than ever before.A fully featured mounted combat system makes you feel like you are fighting atop a thousand pound beast of war, including the ability to trample your foes, land devastating front or rear horse kicks, unhorse your opponent with a lance and engage in deep melee combat with grounded or mounted opponents.Catapults tear the earth apart as you lay siege to castles, set fire to villages and slaughter filthy peasants in the return of Team Objective maps. Dominate massive, 64-player battlefields.If you’ve liked hood outlaws legends game, this is for you.

Each class has a little special ability that charges over time. You can actually pick up a lot of random stuff and throw it which is great. we picked up a decapitated head and threw it at an enemy for damage. It’s still the hilarious combat you’d expect. Archers (while we never had anything against them in the first place nor did they bother us) aren’t an issue like in the first game. This is the sequel to the popular Chivalry: Medieval Warfare from. If you enjoyed first Chivalry, you’ll enjoy this one as well. Chivalry 2 is a network action game that allows you to take part in medieval battles.